Ibbotson, MichaelPrice, NDas, V EHietanen, MarkusMustari, Michael J2015-12-130014-4819http://hdl.handle.net/1885/73673Torsional eye movements were measured while subjects viewed a large, high contrast windmill pattern rotating at 53°/s or a small (5° diameter) dot pattern rotating at 115°/s. Both stimuli generated rotational eye movements consisting of torsional optokKeywords: article; controlled study; eye movement; human; human experiment; optokinetic nystagmus; priority journal; psychophysics; rotation; velocity; visual stimulation; Eye Movements; Humans; Motion Perception; Neuropsychological Tests; Oculomotor Muscles; Photi Global motion; Motion aftereffect; Ocular torsion; OKN; Phantom MAETorsional eye movements during psychophysical testing with rotating patterns200510.1007/s00221-004-2142-42015-12-11