Gowan, Evan2015-12-080277-3791http://hdl.handle.net/1885/32468This study presents an investigation of the minimum timing of retreat of the western Laurentide Ice Sheet, which covered parts of Canada and the northern United States during the Wisconsin glaciation. The retreat of the ice sheet is poorly constrained dueKeywords: Cosmogenic dating; Deglaciations; Ice sheet modelling; Ice-sheet retreat; Lake agassiz; Laurentide ice sheets; Luminescence dating; Radiocarbon dating; Younger Dryas; Glacial geology; Glaciers; Ice control; Luminescence; Probability distributions; Sedimen Cosmogenic dating; Deglaciation; Ice sheet modelling; Ice sheet retreat; Lake Agassiz; Laurentide Ice Sheet; Luminescence dating; Radiocarbon dating; Reservoir corrections; Younger DryasAn assessment of the minimum timing of ice free conditions of the western Laurentide Ice Sheet201310.1016/j.quascirev.2013.06.0012016-02-24