Woo, NicholasGordon, MatthewGraham, StephenRossel, Jan BartBadger, MurrayPogson, Barry2015-12-101445-4408http://hdl.handle.net/1885/68972In this report, we investigate the altered APX2 expression 13 (alx13) mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana, a mutation in glutamine phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase 2 (ATASE2), the primary isoform of the enzyme mediating the first committed stepKeywords: acclimation; dicotyledon; enzyme activity; irradiance; leaf; mutation; photosynthesis; Arabidopsis; Arabidopsis thaliana leaf variegation; photo-oxidative stress; retrograde signallingA mutation in the purine biosynthetic enzyme ATASE2 impacts high light signalling and acclimation responses in green and chlorotic sectors of Arabidopsis leaves201110.1071/FP102182016-02-24