Morgan, Kenneth W.Photographer: Arthur Llewellyn Basham2019-12-182019-12-18AR BUD-23 to tradition, this is the stone bed on which Mahinda slept for many years, some 2200 years ago. This Ceylonese Bhikkhu who is kneeling in meditation has given up his position in the postal service, joined the order of Bhikkhus, the Sangha, and has settled at this holy spot for his religious training.35mmslidesepiacolouren-AUIndia: Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Rajgir, Sanchi, Nalanda, Mathura, Ajantalandscapeslide setMahinda's Bed, Mihintale2019-12-18This image is provided for research purposes only and must not be reproduced without the prior permission of the Archives Program, Australian National University.