Miller, MeghanAllam, Amir ABecker, Thorsten W.Di Leo, Jeanette FWookey, James2024-09-302024-09-300012-821X westernmost Mediterranean mantle and lithosphere have evolved into their current configuration due to complex interactions between the African and Eurasian plates. To help unravel the regional tectonics, we use new broadband seismic data across the Gibraltar arc and into southern Morocco to infer azimuthal seismic anisotropy and flow patterns for the upper mantle based on shear wave splitting analysis. A deep (>600 km) earthquake in April 2010 was recorded by the array and allowed us to compare 31 direct S measurements with 235 teleseismic SK(K)S events from 3 years of deployment. The patterns of apparent fast polarization orientations and delay times suggest three major tectonic domains when interpreted jointly with recent tomographic images of the subducted slab: (1) a subducted slab related toroidal flow domain centered upon the Alboran Sea and southern Spain, leading to complex splits, (2), a region where the west African craton deflects mantle flow in the Anti-Atlas and High Plateaux, and, (3), an intermediate domain across the central High Atlas. Across the axis of the mountain belt a coherent, regional maximum of delay times is observed for both S and SKS splitting measurements, with polarizations predominantly parallel to the strike. We interpret this as possible SW–NE channeling of mantle flow beneath the region with a thinned lithosphere and slow seismic velocities beneath the central High Atlas MountainsThis study was supported by the National Science Foundation, Continental Dynamics Program, under EAR-0809023 , and by the European Research Council, under grant agreement 240473 “CoMITAC”. We thank C. Thomas for sharing her seismic data from the Anti-Atlas, and a special thanks to IRIS PASSCAL, C.P. Ryan, M. Harnafi, D. Elouai, and all the people at L'Institut Scientifique at Mohammad V University in Rabat who made the experiment possible. We thank J. Diaz for initial discussions about the results, and thank J. Platt, C. Faccenna and L. Moresi for their input on discussions about early versions of the manuscript. We also thank the two anonymous reviewers who provided excellent, detailed suggestions and comments, which greatly improved and strengthened the manuscript.application/pdfen-AU© 2013 The authorsseismic anisotropysubducted slab structuremantle-flow channelingcraton–slab interactionConstraints on the tectonic evolution of the westernmost Mediterranean and northwestern Africa from shear wave splitting analysis201310.1016/j.epsl.2013.05.0362024-03-03