Waldrauch, Harald2003-07-042004-05-192011-01-052004-05-192011-01-052003http://hdl.handle.net/1885/41780After balancing the arguments in favour and against voting rights for foreigners, the article reviews non-citizens. rights to vote and to stand as candidates in local, regional and national elections in 32 European and four non-European countries. Questions addressed are: When, if at all, were non-citizens given these rights for the first time in these countries? What are the conditions foreign nationals have to meet in addition to those of citizens of the respective country in order to be allowed to vote and be elected? Are these rights granted to citizens of certain foreign countries only? Are foreigners excluded from being elected into particular functions? And finally, with respect to countries excluding non-citizens from elections: Would the constitution have to be amended before non-citizens could be granted the right to vote?1 vol.application/pdfen-AUAuthor/s retain copyrightEUEuropean Unionelectoral rightsforeign nationalsvoting rightsElectoral rights for foreign nationals: a comparative overview of regulations in 36 countries