Lewis, BrentonGibson, StephenO'Keeffe, PRidley, T.Lawley, K PDoody, J S2015-12-102015-12-100031-9007http://hdl.handle.net/1885/70313Predissociating resonances were observed for destructive interference in a region between the resonances. Multiphoton ionization spectroscopy which was enhanced by resonance was used for probing single rotational levels of O2 in case of double resonance technique. Double resonance technique resulted in the elimination of overlapping rotational structure.Keywords: Electron resonance; Electron transitions; Magnetic moments; Multiphoton processes; Optical pumping; Molecular predissociations; Quantum interference phenomenaObservation of completely destructive quantum interference between interacting resonances in molecular predissociation200110.1103/PhysRevLett.86.14782015-12-10