Dowd, AElliman, RobertSamoc, MarekLuther-Davies, Barry2015-12-130003-6951 degenerate-four-wave-mixing measurements were used to study the nonlinear optical response (intensity-dependent refractive index) of Ge nanocrystallites embedded in a silica matrix. Nanocrystals were fabricated by ion-implanting silica withKeywords: Annealing; Ion implantation; Laser pulses; Nanostructured materials; Nonlinear optics; Optical variables measurement; Quantum theory; Refractive index; Relaxation processes; Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy; Silica; Transmission electron microscopy;Nonlinear Optical Response of Ge Nanocrystals in a Silica Matrix19992015-12-12