Galeazzi, Gian MariaFerrari, SGiaroli, GMackinnon, AndrewMerelli, EMotti, LRigatelli, M2015-12-131590-3478 between psychopathology and gender, duration of MS, disability and therapy with beta-interferons were studied in multiple sclerosis (MS) outpatients. A controlled descriptive epidemiological study was carried out in two Italian outpatient MSKeywords: beta interferon; adult; age; article; Beck depression inventory; clinical article; clinical trial; controlled clinical trial; controlled study; depression; diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders; disability; disease association; disease dur Depression; Disability; Interferon beta; Multiple sclerosis; Psychiatric disordersPsychiatric disorders and depression in multiple sclerosis outpatients: impact of disability and interferon beta therapy200510.1007/s10072-005-0468-82015-12-11