Stone, Janey2015-01-222015-01-221836-6597 life-long socialist Jeff Goldhar died in 1997, he left a bequest. Set up at the end of 1998, the Jeff Goldhar Project is now celebrating 10 years of activities. Jeff became politically active in the 1960s, attending demonstrations against the Vietnam War and as an active member of the Labour Club at Melbourne University. While in the UK in the early 1970s he joined the International Socialists (now Socialist Workers Party), and on his return to Melbourne, became a member of the fledgling Australian organisation, Socialist Workers Action Group. Jeff was diagnosed with a terminal illness in the mid-1990s. He wanted to leave a bequest to ‘allow us to bring our history and ideas to those receptive to them’. (First three paragraphs of article).2 pages© Janey Stone 2009Jeff GoldharsocialistIssue 1 (2009) pp. 119-120 - Jeff Goldhar’s socialist legacy / Janey Stone2009