Papka, P.Brown, T.A.D.Fulton, B RWatson, D LFox, S.P.Groombridge, D.Freer, MartinClarke, N.M.Ashwood, NCurtis, N.Ziman, V.McEwan, P.Ahmed, S.Catford, W.N.Mahboub, DTimis, C.N.Baldwin, T.D.Weisser, David2015-12-070556-2813 experiment was performed at the Australian National University to study the Be9(Li6,Li6)Be9*→α+α+n reaction. This experiment was designed to study the breakup of Be9, in an attempt to quantify the contribution played by the He5+α and 8Be2++n channDecay path measurements for the 2.429 MeV state in 9 Be: Implications for the astrophysical a + a + n reaction200710.1103/PhysRevC.75.0458032015-12-07