Juhannis, Hamdan2011-06-202011-06-20b23734462http://hdl.handle.net/1885/7497This thesis studies the dynamics of two Islamic formalist movements in South Sulawesi: Dural Islam (DI) (1953-1965) and Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam (Preparatory Committee for the Upholding of Islamic Law, KPPSI) (2000 – present time). This thesis challenges some of the existing literature on DI and KPPSI which has tended to discount Islam as an important factor and argues for religious sentiment as a primary factor shaping the two movements .....en-AUThe struggle for formalist Islam in South Sulawesi : from Darul Islam (DI) to Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam (KPPSI)200610.25911/5d7a2735b988f