Mieda, EtsukoMinowa, Yosuked'Orgeville, CelineHerrald, NicholasTanaka, YokoDoi, YoshiyukiRamos, LucioWung, MatthewClergeon, ChristopheOno, YoshitoHattori, TakashiHayano, Yutaka2023-09-06June 9-14http://hdl.handle.net/1885/298283In this paper, we present a laser guide star facility (LGSF) aspect of the upcoming laser tomography adaptive optics (LTAO) and ground layer (GL) AO systems at Subaru Telescope. For the LTAO system, a TOPTICA laser will be split into four beams and launched all together from one center-launched laser launch telescope (LLT). For the GLAO system, we will use one more TOPTICA laser, split each into two, and launch them by four separate LLTs from the center section of the telescope to construct a wide asterism. We expect to install the first TOPTICA laser in a single-beam configuration for single conjugated (SC) AO in 2020, a four-beam configuration for LTAO in 2022, and a wide-asterism configuration for GLAO in 2025.The laser guide star upgrade at Subaru telescope is partly supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Research #17H06129).application/pdfen-AU© 2019 AO4ELTAdaptive OpticsLaser Guide StarLaser guide star facility for LTAO and GLAO at Subaru telescope20192022-07-31