Au-Yang, HelenPerk, Jacques2015-12-070378-4371 results are presented for the wavevector-dependent susceptibility of Z-invariant periodic and quasiperiodic Ising models in the scaling limit, generalizing old results of Tracy and McCoy for the square lattice. Explicit results are worked out for theKeywords: Low temperature effects; Magnetic susceptibility; Magnetization; Mathematical models; Lattice-lattice scaling; Ferromagnetic materials Corrections to scaling; Fibonacci sequences; Ising model; Lattice-lattice scaling; Painlevé functions; Penrose tilings; Scaling limit; Wavevector-dependent susceptibility; Z-invarianceSusceptibility Calculations in Periodic and Quasiperiodic Planar Ising Models200310.1016/S0378-4371(02)01780-62015-12-07