Ren, HeZhang, BinWang, RongpingYang, AnpingZhang, MingjieGuo, WeiYang, YanYang, ZhiyongTao, Hai-zhengTang, Dingyuan2015-12-131001-9731 chalcogenide glasses with MCN of 2.45-2.5 are promising nonlinear optical materials in infrared regions since they exhibit excellent infrared transparency, high third-order nonlinearity, and ultra-low photo-induced refractive index change. We therefore fabricated high purity Ge-As-Se glasses using a dynamic distillation technique, and drew core/cladding fibers through the rod-in-tube approach. The fibers show good transmittance in the 2-8 μm spectral region. The background loss was around 1 dB/m, and the impurity related peak loss was about 6 dB/m.Nonlinear Ge-As-Se chalcogenide fibers201410.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2014.12.0292015-12-11