Mirzaei, AliShadrivov, IlyaZharova, Nina AMiroshnichenko, AndreyKivshar, Yuri2015-12-10August 25-9781479934522http://hdl.handle.net/1885/53884We develop a novel semi-analytical method to analyse the effects of both linear and nonlinear scattering from multilayer cylindrical structures. We demonstrate the nonlinear control of scattering from a sample nanowire and observe the substantial enhancement of the superscattering due to a local field enhancement. We show that the results of our method match with the output of FDTD approach, is more robust and 105 times faster.Nonlinear control of enhanced scattering in multi-layer nanowires201410.1109/MetaMaterials.2014.69486502015-12-09