Liao, X ZZou, JinCockayne, David John HughLeon, RLobo, C2009-09-222010-12-202009-09-222010-12-20Physical Review Letters 82.25 (1999): 5148-51510031-90071079-7114 differences in the image features of InxGa1-xAs quantum dots (QDs) grown on (001) and vicinal (001) GaAs were seen in [001] on-zone bright-field transmission electron microscope images. Simulated images were obtained by modeling the strain field distribution of the QDs with finite element analysis and then using this model in dynamical electron diffraction contrast simulations. Comparison of the experimental images and the simulated images shows that (i) In segregation exists in the QDs and (ii) the average In content of the QDs is higher than the average In content of the film.4 pages "Author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) … post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) … [and] publisher's version/PDF. Link to publisher version … [and] Copyright notice required. Publisher's version/PDF can be used on … employers web site." - from SHERPA/RoMEO site (as at 25/02/10). ©1999 The American Physical SocietyKeywords: Anisotropy; Computer simulation; Crystal orientation; Electron diffraction; Finite element method; Semiconducting indium gallium arsenide; Semiconductor growth; Strain; Stress concentration; Thin films; Transmission electron microscopy; Strain field distrIndium segregation and enrichment in coherent InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum dots199910.1103/PhysRevLett.82.51482015-12-12