Kicken, H H J EAlkemade, P.F.A.van der Heijden, Rob W.Karouta, FouadNötzel, Richardvan der Drift, E.Salemink, H W M2015-12-13May 10-149781424434336 post-production processing of single holes in a planar photonic crystal is demonstrated by selectively opening a masking layer by focused ion beam milling. Local tuning was optically demonstrated by both blueshifting and subsequent red-shifting theKeywords: Focused ion beam milling; Local tuning; Masking layers; Planar photonic crystal; Post processing; Post-production; Q-factors; Resonance frequencies; Resonant frequencies; Selective tuning; Single hole; Indium; Indium phosphide; Natural frequencies; PointLocal digital etching and infiltration for tuning of a H1- Cavity in deeply etched InP/InGaAsP/InP photonic crystals200910.1109/ICIPRM.2009.50124192016-02-24