Edwards, ScottWilliams, David2009-09-092010-12-202009-09-092010-12-20Physical Review Letters 92.24 (2004): 248303/1-40031-90071079-7114http://hdl.handle.net/10440/820http://digitalcollections.anu.edu.au/handle/10440/820We study analytically two of the central problems of colloid science: the structure of the double layer surrounding a charged particle and the forces between two such particles. Traditionally, these have been understood using a combination of electrostatic forces acting on the ions and the entropy of the same ions. Here we derive explicit formulas showing how the often dominant dispersion forces between ions and the surfaces can dramatically change the structure of the double layer and the forces.4 pageshttp://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/index.php "Author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) … post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) … [and] publisher's version/PDF. Link to publisher version … [and] Copyright notice required. Publisher's version/PDF can be used on … employers web site." - from SHERPA/RoMEO site (as at 25/02/10). ©2004 The American Physical SocietyKeywords: Electric charge; Electrostatics; Entropy; Interfaces (materials); Ions; Loads (forces); Poisson equation; Polarization; Van der Waals forces; Double layer repulsion; Ionic radii; Power law; Variables; ColloidsDouble layers and interparticle forces in colloid science and biology: analytic results for the effect of ionic dispersion forces2004-06-1810.1103/PhysRevLett.92.2483032015-12-11