Paiman, SuriatiGao, QiangJagadish, ChennupatiZhang, XinZou, JinTan, Hark Hoe2015-12-130022-0248 report the effects of growth rate on the crystal structure of InP nanowires grown on InP (111)B substrate by metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) using gold nanoparticles as catalysts. Results showed that slower growth rate helps to reduceFinancial support from the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research& Innovation) Office through Network Overseas Attachment Training scheme (Grant9001100),and the RUGS (Grant9314000) is acknowledged. Facilities used in this study are supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) established under Australian Government's National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).Keywords: Gold Nanoparticles; Group III; InP; Metal organic chemical vapour depositions; Morphology and crystal structures; Planar defect; Wurtzites; Zinc-blende; High resolution transmission electron microscopy; Metallorganic chemical vapor deposition; Nanowires; A1. Crystal structure; A1. Growth rate; A3. MOCVD; B2. Semiconducting indium phosphideEffects of growth rate on InP nanowires morphology and crystal structure201310.1016/j.jcrysgro.2013.08.0142016-02-24