Tattersall, WadeWhite, Ronald DouglasRobson, Robert E.Sullivan, JamesBuckman, Stephen2015-12-07August 1-6http://hdl.handle.net/1885/26422In this study we simulate positron transport properties for various configurations of the gases and electric fields used in the Australian Positron Beamline Facility positron trap, which is based on the Surko buffer-gas trap. In an attempt to further improve the time and energy resolution of the trap and thus the associated scattering experiments, we apply a Monte-Carlo simulation procedure to a variety of possible configurations of the dumping stage of the trap.Author/s retain copyrightKeywords: Beam lines; Buffer gas; Energy resolutions; Monte Carlo Simulation; Positron traps; Various configuration; Electric fields; Electric properties; Particle beams; Positrons; Transport properties; ElectronsSimulations of pulses in a buffer gas positron trap201110.1088/1742-6596/262/1/0120572016-02-24