Astashkin, S.V.Sunehag, Peter2015-12-070016-2663 that (X 0, X 1) is a Banach couple, X 0 ∩ X 1 is dense in X 0 and X 1, (X0,X1)θq (0 < θ < 1, 1 ≤ q < ∞) are the spaces of the real interpolation method, ψ ∈ (X 0 ∩ X 1)*, ψ ≠ 0, is a linear functional, N = Ker ψ, and N i stands foKeywords: Dilation index of a function; Interpolation of intersections; Interpolation of subspaces; Interpolation space; Real interpolation method; script K -functional; Weighted Lp-spaceThe real interpolation method on couples of intersections200610.1007/s10688-006-0033-02015-12-07