Dudgeon, PatAlexi, JoannaDerry, KateBrideson, TomCalma, TomDarwin, LeilaniGray, PaulHirvonen, TanjaMcPhee, RobMilroy, HelenSutherland, Stewart2024-02-060157-6321http://hdl.handle.net/1885/313238In May 2020, an independent working party was convened to determine the mental health and well-being needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia, in response to COVID-19. Thirty Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and allies worked together in a two-month virtual collaboration process. Here, we provide the working party's five key recommendations and highlight the evidence supporting these proposals. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination and governance must be prioritised to manage the COVID-19 recovery in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. To mitigate long-term social and economic impacts of COVID-19 to Australian society, the historical underinvestment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must be reconciled. Equitable, needs-based funding is required to support strengths-based, place-based initiatives that address the determinants of health. This includes workforce and infrastructure development and effective evaluation. There is a clear, informed pathway to health and healing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander being enacted by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership and community organisations; it remains to be seen how these recommendations will be implemented.application/pdfen-AU© 2021 The authorsAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoplesCOVID-19Indigenousmental healthself-determinationsocial and emotional well- beingMental health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia during COVID-19202110.1002/ajs4.1852022-10-09