Gates-Stuart, Eleanor2011-02-082011-04-192011-02-082011-04-192010-12Gates-Stuart, Eleanor. FCL05. 2010. Photo lithograph, 25 x 67 cm. "Finger Codes" Exhibition, Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery, University of California Santa Cruz UCSC. Electronic reproduction provided by artist. Codes is the title relating to the body of artwork produced by Eleanor Gates-Stuart as part of her artist residency at the University of California Santa Cruz. Using the fingerprint as a device for human identity, Gates-Stuart merged numerous reference information meshed into multiple grids and layers as a new visual translation of complex systems and network existence. Human fingerprints are translated into numerical symbols, coded through the artist's drawings and used as symbolic data. Patterns that merge are also to be lost, woven and undone again, in layers adding complexity in the language of code and information architecture. The artist strives for simple representation, the artworks to appear non-technological and seemingly painterly, a result that belies the underlying infrastructure and composition of this creative endeavour.25 x 67 cm, photo lithograph BKF Rives 280gmsArtist owns the copyright. Permission granted by artist to archive a copy of the work and make it publicly available. This research was funded through a grant. Supported by UCSC International Visiting Artist Program.Eleanor Gates-Stuart, mediaesaurus, eleanorgatestuart, identity, code, fingerprint, art and science, data, virtual worlds, internet, social networks, drawing, intertextuality, digital media, security, networks, data mining, processing, grids, information architecture, science communication, matrix, human existence, mapping, virtual communities, networked technology, fragmentation, meshing, dictionary, language, branding, printmedia, interdisciplinary arts, arts, sciart, data structures, text and image, media artsFCL05 (part of the "Finger Codes" Series)