Weisser, DavidLobanov, NikolaiHausladen, PFifield, L KeithWallace, HowardTims, StephenApushkinsky, E2009-06-042010-12-202009-06-042010-12-20Pramana 59.6 (2002): 997-10060304-4289http://hdl.handle.net/10440/411http://digitalcollections.anu.edu.au/handle/10440/411The beam optics of a multi-sample sputter ion source, based on the NECMCSNICS, has been modified to accommodate cathode voltages higher than 5 kV and dispenses with the nominal extractor. The cathode voltage in Cs sputter sources plays the role of the classical extractor accomplishing the acceleration of beam particles from eV to keV energy, minimizing space charge effects and interactions between the beam and residual gas. The higher the cathode voltage, the smaller are these contributions to the emittance growth. The higher cathode voltage also raises the Child’s law limit on the Cs current resulting in substantially increased output. The incidental focusing role of the extractor is reallocated to a deceleration Einzel lens and the velocity change needed to match to the pre-acceleration tube goes to a new electrode at the tube entrance. All electrodes are large enough to ensure that the beam fills less than 30% of the aperture to minimize aberrations. The improvements are applicable to sputter sources generally.10 pageshttp://www.ias.ac.in/pramana/PACTFORM.pdf "... the authors may use this work after publication ... in any or all of the following ways without seeking permission from the Academy provided that reference to the original publication in the concerned Academy journal is always made: ... [authors may include] the published work with no changes on the author's personal website or institutional archives/repositories ... " - from journal web site (as at 18/02/10)beam opticsion sourcespace chargeNovel matching lens and spherical ionizer for a cesium sputter ion source2009-06-042015-12-11