Minovich, AliaksandrFarnell, JamesNeshev, DragomirPowell, DavidShadrivov, IlyaMcKerracher, IanJagadish, ChennupatiTan, Hark HoeKivshar, Yuri2015-12-13December 19781424473335http://hdl.handle.net/1885/83760We demonstrate the tunability of a left-handed fishnet metamaterial at near infra-red frequencies. The structure is infiltrated by a liquid crystal and the tunability is achieved due the reorientation of liquid crystal molecules.Keywords: Liquid crystal molecules; Near Infrared; Tunabilities; Crystal structure; Electronic equipment; Metamaterials; Microelectronics; Liquid crystalsInfrared metamaterials tuned by liquid crystals201010.1109/COMMAD.2010.56997612016-02-24