Fletcher, Neville H.Handmer, J.Wilder, M.2020-11-180-86740-415-9http://hdl.handle.net/1885/216146The Madrid Protocol ·to the Antarctic Treaty, for which Australia was one of the prime movers, has designated Antarctica as a 'natural reserve devoted to peace and science'. These are interesting words. No one could have any quibble about the word 'peace: but why 'science'? Certainly it is an acceptable activity from an ethical point of view, and a contrast is probably intended between the exploratory and conservatory nature of science and the exploitative activities of economics, commerce, industry and technology, but it immediately begs the questions 'Why science in Antarctica?' and 'What science in Antarctica?' in this chapter I shall try to provide answers to both these questions.application/pdfen-AU© The Australian National UniversityAntarctic science and its likely directions1993