Rocha-Campos, A. C.Basei, Miguel Angelo StippNutman, AllenSantos, P. R.Passarelli, Claudia ReginaCanile, F. C.R. da Rosa, O.Fernandes, M. T.Santa Ana, H.Veroslavsky, G.2020-04-012020-04-01A. C. Rocha-Campos, M. A. S. Basei, A. P. Nutman, P. R. Santos, C. R. Passarelli, F. M. Canile, O. C. R. Rosa, M. T. Fernandes, H. Santa Ana, and G. Veroslavsky, "U-Pb Zircon Dating of Ash Fall Deposits from the Paleozoic Paraná Basin of Brazil and Uruguay: A Reevaluation of the Stratigraphic Correlations," The Journal of Geology 127, no. 2 (March 2019): 167-182. fall layers and vitroclastic-carrying sediments distributed throughout the entire Permian stratigraphic range of the Paraná Basin (Brazil and Uruguay) occur in the Tubarão Supergroup (Rio Bonito Formation) and the Passa Dois Group (Irati, Estrada Nova/Teresina, Corumbataí, and Rio do Rasto Formations), which constitute the Gondwana 1 Supersequence. U-Pb zircon ages, acquired by SHRIMP and isotope-dissolution thermal ionization mass spectrometer (IDTIMS) from tuffs within the Mangrullo and Yaguari Formations of Uruguay, are compatible with a correlation with the Irati and parts of the Teresina and Rio do Rasto Formations, respectively, of Brazil. U-Pb zircon ages suggest maximum depositional ages for the samples: (1) Rio Bonito Formation: ages ranging from 295:8 5 3:1 to 304:0 5 5:6 Ma (Asselian, lowermost Permian), consistent with the age range of the Protohaploxypinus goraiensis subzone; (2) Irati Formation: ages ranging from 279:9 5 4:8 to 280:0 5 3:0 Ma (Artinskian, middle Permian), consistent with the occurrence of species of the Lueckisporites virkkiae zone; (3) Rio do Rasto Formation: ages ranging from 266:7 5 5:4 to 274:6 5 6:3Ma (Wordian to Roadian, middle Permian). All the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages are consistent with their superimposition order in the stratigraphy, the latest revisions to the Permian timescale (International Commission of Stratigraphy, 2018 version), and the most recent appraisals of biostratigraphic data. The ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon ages from the Corumbataí Formation suggest that U-Pb ages may be 110% younger than interpreted biostratigraphic ages.application/pdfen-AU© 2019 The University of ChicagoU-Pb zircon dating of ash fall deposits from the paleozoic paran? basin of Brazil and Uruguay: A reevaluation of the stratigraphic correlations2019-02-0410.1086/7012542019-11-25