Fornal, BBroda, RMaier, K HWrzesinski, JLane, G JCromaz, MMacchiavelli, A OClark, Robert GrahamVetter, KByrne, AidanDracoulis, GeorgeCarpenter, M PJanssens, R V FWiedenhover, IRejmund, MBlomqvist, J2009-09-092010-12-202009-09-092010-12-20Physical Review Letters 87.21 (2001): 212501/1-40031-90071079-7114 γ-ray decay of excited states of the two-proton hole nucleus, 206Hg, has been identified using Gammasphere and 208Pb+238U collisions. The yrast states found include a T1/2 = 92(8)ns 10+ isomer located above the known 5- isomer. The B(E2;10+→8+) strength is used to derive the quadrupole polarization charge induced by the h11/2 proton hole. Also, the implied quadrupole moment has been used to provide an absolute scale for the electric field gradient of Hg in Hg metal.4 pages "Author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) … post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) … [and] publisher's version/PDF. Link to publisher version … [and] Copyright notice required. Publisher's version/PDF can be used on … employers web site." - from SHERPA/RoMEO site (as at 25/02/10). ©2001 The American Physical SocietyEffective charge of the [pi]h11/2 orbital and the electric field gradient of Hg from the yrast structure of 206Hg2001-11-0210.1103/PhysRevLett.87.2125012015-12-12