Grafton, QuentinDoyen, LucBéné, ChristopheBorgomeo, EdooardoBrooks, KateChu, LongCumming, GraemeDixon, JohnDovers, StephenGarrick, DustinHelfgott, AriellaJiang, QiangKatic, PamelaWilliams, JohnKompas, TomWyrwoll, Paul2023-09-202398-9629 and decision-makers lack a shared understanding of resilience, and practical applications in environmental resource management are rare. Here, we define social-ecological resilience as a property of social-ecological systems that includes at least three main characteristics — resistance, recovery and robustness (the ‘three Rs’). We define socio-economic resilience management as planning, adaptation and transformational actions that may influence these system characteristics. We integrate the three Rs into a heuristic for resilience management that we apply in multiple management contexts to offer practical, systematic guidance about how to realize resilience.We are especially appreciative for the financial support of the research projects NAVIRE (Cluster of Excellence COTE, ANR-10-LABX-45) and ACROSS (ANR-14-CE03-0001) and the Hilda John Endowment. C.R. provided her contribution as part of the CGIAR Research Program Water, Land and Ecosystems. M. Loreau is acknowledged for providing comments on earlier versions of this paper.application/pdfen-AURealizing resilience for decision-making201910.1038/s41893-019-0376-12022-07-31