Wang, XiangkeWu, XiaomingYu, Changbin (Brad)Ji-Feng ZhangQian-Chuan Zhao2015-12-10July 22-249789881725592 most existing literature assumes agents in formation control are with no sensing limitations or with 360-degree sensing fields, we consider each agent in formation stabilization problem is with a cone-like sensing filed for the leader-follower formation in three-dimensional space. We discuss the strategies for the agent with cone-like sensing filed to follow one leader, two leaders and three leaders, respectively. And correspondingly the related control laws are proposed to achieve the formation. Finally, simulation results, including an animation, about four-agent formation with cone-like sensing field demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategies and the proposed control laws.Keywords: Control laws; Formation control; Formation stabilization; Leader-follower; Leader-follower formations; Multiple agents; Sensing fields; Three dimensional space; Animation; Control theory; Stabilization Cone-like Sensing Field; Formation Stabilization; Leader-Follower; Multiple AgentsFormation Stabilization with Cone-like Sensing Field20112019-11-25