Bricage, Pierre2013-12-162013-12-16 day, engineers, managers, teachers, researchers, politicians, face tasks of great complexity. To be efficient their action has to articulate the apprehension and conceptualisation of complex situations what supposes good descriptions and operating models. This assertion does not encounter many objections but is difficult to put into practice. Indeed, rare are the places where models can be developed, tested, confronted and improved without exclusion or dogmatism. We need cognitive and technical tools to think and act in our complex world. One of the main goals of AFSCET is to be a place for explanation, discussion and confrontation of practices and teachings from diverse horizons through a trans-disciplinary way of thinking. Debates are anchored in the Systemic Approach which is rooted into the information theory and Cybernetics. Systemics favours inter-disciplinary approaches, just as sciences of complexity and sciences of cognition did afterwards. That results in one of the most remarkable scientific developments of the last quarter of century.4 pagesCopyright remains with the author. Permission to deposit the poster has been given by the Conference Chair.AFSCETtrans-disciplinary thinkingcyberneticsAFSCET - Association Française de science des Systèmes Cybernétiques cognitifs Et Techniques2013-09-08