Rice, Dana2024-07-182024-07-18https://hdl.handle.net/1885/733714025Current research on Central Asia is disproportionately focused on issues of great power rivalry, viewing the region as a pawn caught in a game between China, Russia and other regional players. Comparatively few studies attempt to understand how Central Asian governments themselves interact with bordering powers, and even fewer have given a voice to the individuals living under these regimes. My PhD project therefore seeks to help fill this gap by asking how ordinary citizens of Kazakhstan perceive their relationship with China, a rapidly rising actor in the region. Drawing on discourse analysis and in-depth interviews, this thesis aims not only to contribute to topical knowledge on Central Asia-China relations but also to the theoretical nexus between popular geopolitics, soft power and xenophobia.en-AUThe Dragon Next Door: Demotic Discourses on China in Kazakhstan202410.25911/883S-PF68