Roberts, Anthea2021-01-18 withdrawing from the Paris Accord, President Donald Trump emphatically rejected globalism in favor of nationalism. “As president, I can put no other consideration before the well-being of American citizens,” he explained. “I am fighting every day for the great people of this country. Therefore, in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.” But might this strong endorsement of nationalism exacerbate divisions within the state, leading sub-state actors (like cities) and non-state actors (like corporations) to seek to undertake international obligations beyond the stateapplication/pdfen-AU© 2017 OpinioJurisBeyond the Globalism/Nationalism Divide: The Rise of Cities and Corporations Seeking International Obligations2017-06-032020-11-02