Norris, JohnChristlieb, NBessell, MichaelAsplund, MartinEriksson, K.Korn, A. J.2015-12-100004-637X present a high-resolution ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of the ultra-metal-poor (UMP) carbon-enhanced red giant HE 0557-4840 (Teff/log g/[Fe/H] = 4900/2.2/-4.8). Combining these data with earlier observations, the radial velocity is 212.0 ± 0.4kms-1, withAuthor/s retain copyrightKeywords: early universe; Galaxy: formation; Galaxy: halo; nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances; stars: abundances; stars: individual (HE 0557-4840)The oxygen abundance of the ultra-metal-poor star HE 0557-4840201210.1088/0004-637X/753/2/1502016-02-24