Summa, AUlyanov, AKromer, MBoyer, SRopke, FriedrichSim, Stuart ASeitenzahl, IvoFink, MMannheim, KPakmor, RCiaraldi-Schoolmann, FDiehl, RMaeda, KeiichiHillebrandt, Wolfgang2018-11-292018-11-290004-6361 the question of progenitor systems and detailed explosion mechanisms still remains a matter of discussion, it is commonly believed that Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are production sites of large amounts of radioactive nuclei. Even though the gamma-ray emission due to radioactive decays is responsible for powering the light curves of SNe Ia, gamma rays themselves are of particular interest as a diagnostic tool because they directly lead to deeper insight into the nucleosynthesis and the kinematics of these explosion events.application/pdfKeywords: Gamma rays: generals; Gamma-ray diagnostics; Line: formation; Nuclear reactions , nucleosynthesis , abundances; Radiative transfer simulations; Space observatories; Supernovae: general; Three-dimensional modeling; Chemical elements; Explosions; Gamma rays Gamma rays: general; Hydrodynamics; Line: formation; Nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances; Radiative transfer; Supernovae: generalGamma-ray diagnostics of Type Ia supernovae Predictions of observables from three-dimensional modeling201310.1051/0004-6361/2012209722018-11-29