Kleinert, Sylvia2009-09-222010-12-202009-09-222010-12-20Humanities Research 7.1 (2000): 77-961440-06691834-8491http://hdl.handle.net/10440/900http://digitalcollections.anu.edu.au/handle/10440/900The point is often made that the entry of Aboriginal art into public galleries has involved a fundamental shift in perception from the anonymous, scientific categories of ethnography to the status accorded the aesthetic art object. But in celebrating the recognition for contemporary Aboriginal art we need to be mindful that discourses of Aboriginality are constituted in and through colonial power relationships.20 pageshttp://epress.anu.edu.au/faqs/faqs_copyright.html#1 "Authors are not permitted to publish works published by ANU E Press on any other web site except their personal sites or sites associated with their institutions, as long as these are non-commercial sites. Authors are permitted to post the title and abstract of their book on any relevant web site as well as posting links on any site that direct readers to ANU E Press site." - from publisher web site (as at 19/02/10)Writing craft / writing history2009-09-222015-12-12