Guillaume, AntoineKoch, HaroldGuillaume, AntoineKoch, Harold2023-06-07978-3-11-069200-6 volume is the first book-length presentation of the relatively newly established grammatical category of Associated Motion (AM). It provides a frame- work for understanding a grammatical phenomenon which, though present in many languages, has gone unrecognised until recently. Previously known mainly from languages of Australia and South America, grammatical AM marking has now been identified in languages from most parts of the world (except Europe) and is becoming an important topic of linguistic typology. The 22 chapters provide a thorough introduction to the subject, discussion of the relation between AM and related grammatical concepts, detailed descriptions of AM in a wide range of the world’s languages, and surveys of AM in particular language families and areas. All of the studies are richly illustrated by means of (approximately 2000) example sentences.we are grateful to the ASLAN project (ANR-10-LABX-0081) of Université de Lyon, for its financial support within the program “Investissements d’Avenir” (ANR-11- IDEX-0007) of the French government operated by the National Research Agency (ANR).application/pdfen-AU© 2021 De Gruyter Moutonassociated motiondirectionaspectlocationtypologycomplexityimplicational hierarchiesIntroduction: associated motion as a grammatical category in linguistic typology202110.1515/9783110692099-0012022-03-27