Gregory, Alan Gower2015-11-242015-11-24b1016267 thesis deals with two completely separate topics. The first section is concerned with the performance and interpretation of two double scattering experiments, while the second describes an experimental study of the Li7(y,p) activation curve. The investigation of polarization in (d,p) reactions at low energies was suggested by Dr. P.B. Treacy and carried out by us jointly including design of apparatus, taking of data and analysis of results, The analysis presented here is my own and differs in detail from that published by us earlier. The experiments of chapter four followed naturally from the polarization experiments, The results were taken largely by Mr. G. D. Symons and myself. it was found that the analysis of the data in terms of the interference of coulomb and resonance scattering required the adaptation of an existing formulation of polarization theory. This was carried through by myself. (First three paragraphs of Preface.)iv, 75 l. : illusennuclear spincarbonphotonuclear reactionsSpin orientations from deuteron induced reactions in C12 and the Li7(y,p)He6 reaction from threshold to 32 MeV196110.25911/5d6e4882cf1f12015-11-24