Grastien, AlbanAnbulagan, AnbuRintanen, JussiKelareva, ElenaHolte, R. C.Howe, A. E.2015-12-08July 22-269781577353232 diagnosis of a discrete-event system is the problem of computing possible behaviors of the system given observations of the actual behavior, and testing whether the behaviors are normal or faulty. We show how the diagnosis problems can be translated into the propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) and solved by algorithms for SAT. Our experiments demonstrate that current SAT algorithms can solve much bigger diagnosis problems than traditional diagnosis algorithms can.AlgorithmsComputational methodsDiscrete event simulationPropositional satisfiability problemSATSatisfiability algorithmsTraditional diagnosis algorithmsArtificial intelligenceDiagnosis of discrete-event systems using satisfiability algorithms20072022-08-07