Maucher, FabianSiminos, ESkupin, StefanKrolikowski, Wieslaw2015-12-131367-2630 oscillations and shape-transformations of higher-order bright solitons in nonlinear nonlocal media have been frequently observed numerically in recent years, however, the origin of these phenomena was never completely elucidated. In this papKeywords: Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations; Bright solitons; Dinger equation; Higher-order solitons; Homoclinic orbits; Oscillatory state; Quasiperiodic oscillations; Unstable modes; Mathematical transformations; Nonlinear equations; SolitonsQuasiperiodic oscillations and homoclinic orbits in the nonlinear nonlocal Schrödinger equation201310.1088/1367-2630/15/8/0830552016-02-24