du Rietz, RickardDasgupta, MahanandaThomas, RenjuGasques , LeandroHinde, David2015-12-100031-9007http://hdl.handle.net/1885/54102Comprehensive fission measurements, including mass-angle distributions, for the reaction of S32 with the prolate deformed nucleus Th232 at near-barrier energies show two distinct components in both mass and angle; surprisingly, both have characteristics of quasifission. Their relative probabilities vary rapidly with the ratio of the beam energy to the capture barrier, suggesting a relationship with deformation aligned (sub-barrier), or antialigned (above-barrier), configurations at contact.Keywords: Angle distributions; Barrier energies; Beam energies; Probability distributionsTwo Distinct Quasifission Modes in the 32 S + 232 Th Reaction200810.1103/PhysRevLett.101.0927012015-12-09