Koch, HaroldRob PensalfiniMyfany TurpinDiana Guillemin2015-12-109789027270917http://hdl.handle.net/1885/63819This paper surveys the approaches that have been taken to the synchronic description of the inflectional classes of verbs of the Pama-Nyungan family of Australian languages, highlighting problems with the application of the concept of the morpheme, and the notion of �conjugation markers�. It then summarizes and critically assesses attempts to reconstruct the prehistory of Pama-Nyungan verb inflection, considering primarily the contrasting approaches of Dixon (1980, 2002) and Alpher (1990). The methodological requirements for such a reconstruction are then discussed. Finally, the proposed principles are applied first to the internal reconstruction of verbs in Walmajarri, a language of the Ngumpin-Yapa subgroup, then to the comparative reconstruction of some Pama-Nyungan (monosyllabic) verbs that display heterogeneous patterns of inflection.The reconstruction of inflectional classes in morphology: History, method and Pama-Nyungan (Australian) verbs201410.1075/slcs.147.08koc2020-12-27