Beveridge, ChristineMathesius, UlrikeRose, Ray JGresshoff, Peter2015-12-071369-5266 maintenance of meristems throughout plant ontogeny allows the development of a diversity of structural forms from the same genetic base. Examination of the common and contrasting features of these meristems leads to the outline of common regulatory themes in meristem development. In particular, by including comparisons with embryogenesis research, we see that hormones and factors that are generally attributed roles in stress response, such as redox potential, carotenoids, flavonoids, brassinosteroids, jasmonic acid and ethylene, are emerging as major candidates for long-distance or short-distance signalling molecules in meristem development. In each case, hormone response appears to be influenced greatly by the developmental window or transition stage at which the meristem resides.Keywords: cytology; growth, development and aging; homeostasis; meristem; metabolism; oxidation reduction reaction; physiology; plant; plant root; review; stem cell; Homeostasis; Meristem; Oxidation-Reduction; Plant Roots; Plant Shoots; Stem CellsCommon regulatory themes in meristem development and whole-plant homeostasis200710.1016/j.pbi.2006.11.0112015-12-07