Pepper, MitzyDoughty, PaulKeogh, J Scott2015-12-130305-0270 We review the biogeography of the Pilbara, synthesize information on the geological and landscape history of this region and surrounds, and assess fine-scale genetic structure across multiple taxa to examine hypotheses concerning the distribution ofKeywords: arid environment; endemism; genetic differentiation; genetic marker; genetic structure; geodiversity; herpetofauna; hypothesis testing; landscape evolution; landscape history; lizard; mitochondrial DNA; phylogenetics; phylogeny; phylogeography; refugium; Arid zone; Biogeography; Desert; Diplodactylidae; Gecko; Gekkonidae; Geology; Phylogeography; Pilbara; Western AustraliaGeodiversity and endemism in the iconic Australian Pilbara region: A review of landscape evolution and biotic response in an ancient refugium201310.1111/jbi.120802016-02-24