Ota, KazuakiWalter, FabianHatsukade, BunyoCarilli, C Lda Cunha, ElisabeteGonzalez-Lopez, J.Decarli, RobertoHodge, JacquelineEgami, EiichiBertoldi, FrankWeiss, A2018-11-292018-11-290004-637Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/1885/152191We present ALMA observations of the [C II] line and far-infrared (FIR) continuum of a normally star-forming galaxy in the reionization epoch, the z = 6.96 Lyα emitter (LAE) IOK-1. Probing to sensitivities of σline = 240 μJy beam–1 (40 km s–1 channel) and σcont = 21 μJy beam–1, we found the galaxy undetected in both [C II] and continuum. Comparison of ultraviolet (UV)-FIR spectral energy distribution (SED) of IOK-1, including our ALMA limit, with those of several types of local galaxies (including the effects of the cosmic microwave background, CMB, on the FIR continuum) suggests that IOK-1 is similar to local dwarf/irregular galaxies in SED shape rather than highly dusty/obscured galaxies. Moreover, our 3σ FIR continuum limit, corrected for CMB effects, implies intrinsic dust mass M dust < 6.4 × 107 M ☉, FIR luminosity L FIR < 3.7 × 1010 L ☉ (42.5-122.5 μm), total IR luminosity L IR < 5.7 × 1010 L ☉ (8-1000 μm), and dust-obscured star formation rate (SFR) < 10 M ☉ yr–1, if we assume that IOK-1 has a dust temperature and emissivity index typical of local dwarf galaxies. This SFR is 2.4 times lower than one estimated from the UV continuum, suggesting that <29% of the star formation is obscured by dust. Meanwhile, our 3σ [C II] flux limit translates into [C II] luminosity, L [C II] < 3.4 × 107 L ☉. Locations of IOK-1 and previously observed LAEs on the L [C II] versus SFR and L [C II]/L FIR versus L FIR diagrams imply that LAEs in the reionization epoch have significantly lower gas and dust enrichment than AGN-powered systems and starbursts at similar/lower redshifts, as well as local star-forming galaxies.application/pdfAlma observation of 158µm [Cii] line and dust continuum of a z = 7 normally star-forming galaxy in the epoch of reionization201410.1088/0004-637X/792/1/342018-11-29