Ivezic, ZeljkoSesar, BranimirJuric, MarioBond, NicholasDalcanton, JulianneRockosi, ConstanceYanny, BrianNewberg, Heidi JoBeers, Timothy CAllende Prieto, CWilhelm, RonaldNorris, John2015-12-080004-637Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/1885/33826Using effective temperature and metallicity derived from SDSS spectra for ∼60,000 F- and G-type main-sequence stars (0.2 < g - r < 0.6), we develop polynomial models for estimating these parameters from the SDSS u - g and g - r colors. These photometricKeywords: Galaxy: Halo; Galaxy: Kinematics and dynamics; Galaxy: Stellar content; Galaxy: Structure; Methods: Data analysis; Stars: StatisticsThe Milky Way Tomography with SDSS. II. Stellar Metallicity200810.1086/5896782015-12-08