Zhang, Denghua2020-07-081035-1132http://hdl.handle.net/1885/205938China's rise in the Pacific has become prominent in the last decade. Debates on China in the region have intensified and cover a growing number of issues---such as China's diplomacy, aid, and even interest in seabed mining. China's activities have also frequently hit news headlines in Australia, New Zealand and Pacific island countries (PICs). This 80th edition of the Development Bulletin provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on China's aid in the Pacific. As a researcher, I was puzzled by the lack of development in PICs despite their endowment of marine resources and large inflows of foreign aid. Since 2006 I also witnessed the rapid growth of China's engagement with PICs, leading me to reflect on the impact and subsequent challenges of growing Chinese aid in the region.4 pagesapplication/pdfen-AU© 2018 ANUReflections on China's aid in the Pacific: Impacts, challenges and prospects2018-122020-03-08