He, XuefeiZheng, YujieLee, Woei Ming (Steve)2018-11-302018-11-30October 179781510604346http://hdl.handle.net/1885/154216Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a powerful in-vitro biological imaging tool. In this paper, we report a fully automated off-axis digital holographic microscopy system completed with a graphical user interface in the Matlab © environment. The interface primarily includes Fourier domain processing, phase reconstruction, aberration compensation and autofocusing. A variety of imaging operations such as region of interest selection, de-noising mode (filtering and averaging), low frame rate imaging for immediate reconstruction and high frame rate imaging routine (~ 27 fps) are implemented to facilitate ease of use.application/pdfDHMI: Dynamic holographic microscopy interface201610.1117/12.22429482018-11-29