Walker, AndrewWarden, Andrew CTrueman, Holly E.Weisman, SarahSutherland, Tara2015-12-132050-750Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/1885/81503There is growing interest in materials generated from coiled coil proteins for medical applications. In this study we describe controlled micellar refolding of coiled coil honeybee silk proteins using the detergent SDS. Circular dichroism and dynamic lighKeywords: Coiled coil; Coiled-coil proteins; Critical micelle concentration (cmc); Folding pathway; Hydrophilic residues; Hydrophobic residues; Molecular dynamics simulations; Silk proteins; Critical micelle concentration; Hydrophilicity; Hydrophobicity; Medical apMicellar refolding of coiled-coil honeybee silk proteins201310.1039/c3tb20611d2016-02-24